Advance Research Wing


RGUHS E-Journals

Last Date for Submission of Applications of UG Research Projects is Extended

Inviting Applications for Short Term Research Grants for UG Students of Affiliated Institutions for the year 2025-26

Notification and Application for Short Term Research Grants for UG Students of Affiliated Institutions for the year 2025-26

Terms & Conditions for Collaborative Research Grants

Terms & Conditions for Faculty Research Grants

Terms & Conditions for Under Graduate Research Grants

List of Faculty Research Grant Awardees for the Academic Year 2024-2025

Lists of Faculty Research Grant Awardees and Collaborative Research Grant Awardees for the Academic Year 2024-2025

Selected List of UnderGraduate Research Projects for the Year 2024-25

RGUHS Patent Certificate

Extension of Last Date for Uploading of Applications for Faculty Research Grants 2024-25

Inviting the Applications for Faculty Research Projects for the Year 2024-25

Extension of Last date for uploading of applications for Short Term UG research grants for the year 2024-25

Research Methodology Workshop for the Faculty Interested in Applying for Research Grants for the Year 2024-25

Selected List of Faculty Research Grants for the year 2023-24

Undergraduate Research projects for the Year 2024-25

Selected List of Undergraduate Research Projects for the year 2023-24

Selected List of Principal Investigators for Faculty Research Grants for the year 2022-23

Inviting Applications for Faculty Research Grants for the Year 2023-24

2nd - Extension of Last Date for Uploading the Application for Short Term Research Grants for the Year 2023-24

Research Methodology Workshop for the year 2023-24

Extension of Last Date for Uploading the Application for Short Term Research Grants for the Year 2023-24

Notification - Inviting Applications for Short Term Research Grants from UG Students - 2023-24

Selected List of Undergraduates Research Projects for the year 2022-23

Faculty Research Grants Selected for the year 2021-22

Extension of Last Date for Uploading the Application for Faculty Research Grants for the year 2022-23

Selected List of Faculty Research Projects for the Year 2021-22

Extension of last date for uploading the application for Short term Research Grants for UG students for the year 2022-23

Inviting Applications for Short Term Research Grants for UG Students for the Year 2022

Inviting Applications for Research Projects - Faculty Research

Research Methodolgy Workshop for the Faculty Interested in Applying for Research Grants for the year 2022-23

Extension of last date for uploading the application of Research Grants for Faculty for the year 2021-22

Corrigendum - Invitation of Application for award of Research Grants - 2021-22

Circular - Establishment of an Advanced Molecular Oncology Lab at Kidwai

Extension of last date for uploading the application for Short term Research Grants for Undergraduate students for the year 2021-22

Applications are invited from the teaching faculty of affiliated colleges for research grants for the year 2021-22

Research Methodolgy Workshop for the Faculty Interested in Applying for Research Grants for the year 2021-22

Short Term Research Grants for UG Students of Institutions affiliated to RGUHS for the Year 2021-22

List of Journal Indexing Agencies

Regarding Ph.D At Maastricht University

Selected List of UG Research Proposals 2020-21

Application are invited by Association of Indian Universities (AIU) for Research internship/ Trainee research

Applications are invited by Association of Indian Universities (AIU) for collaborative research studies in session 2020-21

Covid-19 Research : Applications are invited from the teaching faculty of affiliated Medical colleges for research grants towards Advanced Research on Covid-19 the year 2020-21

Applications are invited from the teaching faculty of affiliated colleges for research grants for the year 2020-21

Research Methodology Workshop 2020

Application form for residential training program in Nano-technology and Molecular Biology for the year 2020

Application form for Collaborative Research Program for the year 2019-2020

Short-term Research Grants for Undergraduate Students of Institutions Affiliated to RGUHS for the year 2020-21

Selected List Of Under Graduate Research Proposals 2019-20

Applications are invited from the teaching faculty of affiliated colleges for research grants for the year 2019-20

Extension of Last Date for Uploading the Application for Short Term Research Grants for UG Students

Deputation of teaching staff of Govt. Autonomous Medical Colleges for residential training program on molecular and cell biology techniques relevant to Medical Research at Indian Institute of Science

Extension of last date for uploading applications for residential training on mlecular biology and nano-technology

Research Methodology Workshop for the faculty interested in applying for research grants for the year 2019-20

Application are invited for Residential Training in Nano Technology, Molecular Biology and UG Research Grants 2019

Notification inviting applications for collaborative research 2018-19

Proforma for application for collaborative research 2018-19

Application for Research Grants 2018-19

Click here for downloading participation certificate of research methodology workshop held on 23-24th March 2018

Circular dated 16/02/2018 regarding research methodology workshop (2018-19)

Click on this link for workshop registration

Extension of last date for submission of application for Research Grants for the year 2017-18

Application for collaborative research for the year 2017-18

Notification regarding Invitation of application for Research Grants for the year 2017-18

Click here for downloading Participation Certrificate for Research Methodology workshop

Research Methodology workshop - 2017

List of research projects approved for the year 2016-17

Registration for workshop on Research Methodology to be held in the month of Feb/March 2017

Sensitization programme on the utility of SPSS Software in research for Medical, Dental and Pharmacy Colleges situated in Bangalore

Schedule of interview with the Principal Investigators to review Research Proposals for the year 2016-17

Corrigendum for the application - Inviting applications from the faculty working in the affiliated institutions of RGUHS for research proposals for the award of research grants for the year 2016-17

The list of Research projects approved by RGUHS for the year 2015-16

Inviting applications from the faculty working in the affiliated institutions of RGUHS for research proposals for the award of research grants for the year 2016-17

Programme schedule for the sensitization programme for PG students of medical, dental and pharmacy faculties of RGUHS - 27th April 2016

Fellowhship and Research training programmes offered by Wellcome Trust/DBT India Alliance

Inviting applications for release of research grants by Lady Tata Memorial Trust

Deputation of staff for Research methodology workshop for faculty of Physiotherapy on 29th and 30th of December 2015

Deputation of staff for Research Methodology workshop for faculty of AYUSH scheduled on 19th and 20th of November 2015

Change of the venue of Allied Health Sciences research methodology workshop scheduled to be conducted on 19th and 20th October 2015

Deputation of staff for Research Methodology workshop for Allied Health Sciences convened on 19th and 20th of October 2015 at Dhanvanthri Hall of RGUHS

PPTs of Workshop on Research Methodology for Faculty of Medicine

Selected advanced research proposals for funding from RGUHS for the year 2014-15

Deputation of staff for the final workshop on Research Methodology in the Faculty of Nursing convened on 27th and 28th of August 2015 at RGUHS

Attention to principals of nursing colleges-regarding Research Methodology workshop

Attention to prinicpals of Affiliated colleges: Registration with CDSCO

Awareness Programme on CPCSEA guidelines for animal experimentation scheduled on 22nd May 2015 at RGUHS

Inviting application forms for advance research proposals for the year 2015-16

List of research proposals approved by RGUHS for the year 2014-15




