Calendar of Events for Admission to Various Courses for the Academic Year 2022-23
Ayurveda / Unani / Naturopathy and Yogic Sciences
1. COE as on 06.01.2023
2. COE as on 16.02.2023
3. COE as on 04.03.2023 - BNYS
1. COE as on 21.02.2023
2. COE as on 02.01.2023
3. COE as on 16.02.2023
1. COE as on 31.03.2023
B.Pharmacy / M.Pharmacy
1. COE as on 20.07.2022
2. COE as on 26.09.2022
3. COE as on 28.11.2022
4. COE as on 05.12.2022 - B.Pharm and Pharm D
5. COE as on 28.12.2022 – Pharm D PB /
2nd B.Pharm / M.Pharm
Pharma D
Pharma D PB
1. COE as on 28.12.2022 – Pharm D PB / 2nd B.Pharm / M.Pharm
2. COE as on 23.01.2023 – Pharm D PB / 2nd B.Pharm / M.Pharm
B.Sc (Nursing)
1. COE as on 06.07.2022
2. COE as on 16.09.2022
3. Notifcation Dated: 31.10.2022
4. Revised Notification Dated: 09.11.2022
5. Revised Notification Dated: 04.01.2022
6. COE as on 13.01.2022
PB. (Nursing) / PG Nursing
1. COE as on 16.09.2022
2. Notification Dated: 31.10.2022 – PB B.Sc(N)
3. Notification Dated: 31.10.2022 – M.Sc (N)
4. Revised Notification Dated: 09.11.2022 – PB B.Sc(N)
5. Revised Notification Dated: 09.11.2022 – M.Sc (N)
6. Revised Notification Dated: 04.01.2022 – PB B.Sc (N)
7. Revised Notification Dated: 04.01.2022 – M.Sc (N)
AHS and Physiotherapy
1. COE as on 17.09.2022
2. Circular Dated: 31.10.2022
3. COE as on 19.12.2022 – Physiotherapy
4. COE as on 27.12.2022
5. COE as on 13.01.2022